104 DNS4Me has been installed on this machine for %ld days. Please consider purchasing this software.\n\nTo find out about pricing and how to order, click the """"Ordering"""" button. To purchase electronically, click """"Purchase"""".\n\nBy registering this software, you will bypass these annoying dialog boxes and you'll be informed of updates when they are available. In addition, we will be able to continue providing you with inexpensive, quality software.\n\nYou will see this message again in another %d day%s.\n\nDNS4Me WILL BE DISABLED AFTER YOUR EVALUATION PERIOD. If you do not register the software within 30 days of the end of the evaluation period, your DNS4Me domain settings will be deleted. Registration re-enables the software.
105 Your updated registration information does not include one\nor more domains that were configured with the DNS4Me\nweb server. As a result, all web server settings for these\n missing domains has been removed.
106 Connection with the DNS4Me Server has been closed by the server.
107 Unknown Error
108 Idle...
109 Name cannot be left blank.\nDo you want to clear your registration information?
110 Invalid Registration ID.\n\nIf you're entering the information from your registration e-mail message from RhinoSoft.com,\nplease make sure you're using the EXACT information from the e-mail message\nincluding the Name and E-Mail Address shown in the e-mail message.\n\nTo get a valid Registration ID, please mail payment to:\n\n RhinoSoft.com\n P.O. Box 53\n Helenville, WI 53137\n\nor by e-mail sales@dsn4me.com or select """"Purchase"""" to order electronically.\n\nYou may also FAX your order to: +1 (262) 560-9628.\nGo to http://www.DNS4Me.com/purchase.htm for an order form.\n\nFor pricing, press """"Ordering"""" or go to:\nhttp://www.DNS4Me.com
111 Your registration information has been read from the\nWindows Clipboard. You are now a registered user.\n\nThank you for using DNS4Me.
112 Initializing DNS4Me...
113 Show &Window
114 RhinoSoft.com DNS4Me Web Server
115 <hr><i><b><a href="http://www.DNS4Me.com/">DNS4Me</a> by <a href="http://www.RhinoSoft.com/">RhinoSoft.com</a></b></i></pre></body>
116 An unexpected error occurred within DNS4Me when attempting to create the %s dialog!\n\nError number: %d\n\nPlease report this error to support@dns4me.com.
117 Connection Options
118 No Internet connection is present.
119 Offline
120 Online since %s\nIP address: %s
121 &Go Online
122 &Go Offline
123 Please enter an integer greater than 1.
124 The DNS4Me Web Server cannot be started unless there\nare domains enabled. Please enable the domains you\nwish to run a web site on and try again.
125 Unable to connect to proxy server. Please double-check your proxy settings.
126 The SOCKS proxy request was rejected or failed.
127 Direct Internet Connection
128 General SOCKS server failure
129 SOCKS connection not allowed
130 Connecting to %s...
131 Successfully connected to %s server
132 Network is unreachable
133 Host is unreachable
134 Connection refused
135 TTL expired
136 Command not supported
137 Address type not supported
138 Unknown SOCKS error
139 SOCKS authentication failed
140 SOCKS connection failed or was rejected
141 Unsupported SOCKS authentication method
142 Searching for Internet connection...
143 WARNING: Changing your Registration ID changes\nthe domain you are currently administering.\n\nAre you sure you want to do this?
144 &Start
145 Unable to determine if the SOCKS proxy server has an Internet connection.
146 SOCKS BIND request failed.
147 &Stop
148 Connection timed out.
149 There was an error contacting the proxy server: %s
150 The web server is RUNNING.
151 The web server is STOPPED.
152 The Web Server was unable to start on port %d.\n\nPlease try shutting down other applications that may use\nthis port or select a different port number.
153 You have entered an invalid port number. The maximum\nallowed port number if 65535. Please choose a\ndifferent port number.
154 You have left the local folder for an enabled web site\nblank. This domain has been disabled until a default\nlocal folder is specified.
155 You must enter a valid path for a domain's local folder in\norder to run a web site on the domain.
156 The DNS4Me client was unable to retrieve your domain's\nrecords from the DNS4Me server.\n\nPlease try again.
157 %s - %s
158 Using IP address - %s
159 Online
160 Unregistered Evaluation Copy
161 Registered to%s: %s
162 Offline
163 Invalid IP address. Please use the format\n255.255.255.255.\n\nFor example, or
164 You have entered an invalid timeout value.\n\nPlease make sure you enter a numeric value between 0 and 300.
165 You have entered a special multicast IP address that is not\nsupported by default DNS4Me behavior.\n\nAre you sure you want to use this IP address?
166 You have entered a special broadcast IP address that is not\nsupported by default DNS4Me behavior.\n\nAre you sure you want to use this IP address?
167 You have entered an internal network IP address that is not\nsupported by default DNS4Me behavior.\n\nAre you sure you want to use this IP address?
168 You have entered an IP address reserved for experimental usage that is not\nsupported by default DNS4Me behavior.\n\nAre you sure you want to use this IP address?
169 You have entered a network IP address that is not\nsupported by default DNS4Me behavior.\n\nAre you sure you want to use this IP address?
170 Host
171 Mail
172 Alias
173 *.%s
174 Redirecting to port - %d
175 Using default offline URL
176 Version %s
177 Redirecting to URL - %s
178 Redirecting to offline URL
179 Current address - %s
180 Subdomain names are limited to less than 64 characters.
181 Subdomain names can only contain letters, numbers, and\ndashes ('-').
182 Subdomain names must begin and end with a letter or number.
183 The IP address "%s" is not a valid IP address.\nPlease enter a valid IP address and try again.
184 Using default offline setting
185 You must enter a name for the record before it can be created.
186 Edit Host Record
187 Edit Mail Record
188 Edit Alias Record
189 Are you sure you want to delete the selected custom\nDNS record?
190 You must enter a destination mailbox for an MX record\nbefore it can be created.
191 You must enter a canonical name for your alias before\nthe CNAME record can be created.
192 You have entered a text value that is greater than 255\ncharacters. Please limit all text to less than 255 characters\nand try again.
193 Please enter an alias for the CNAME record.
194 Browse for Folder
195 You have left the local folder for an enabled web site\nblank. This domain has been disabled until a default\nlocal folder is specified.\n\nThe web server has been stopped until this is corrected.
196 To make the changes to the DNS4Me Windows service\ntake effect, the application will now restart.
248 Domains registered through: %s
261 Registered on %s
263 Installed on %s (%s days)
265 (TRIAL)
1200 OK
1201 Created
1202 Accepted
1204 No Content
1301 Moved Permanently
1302 Moved Temporarily
1304 Not Modified
1400 Bad Request
1401 Unauthorized
1403 Forbidden
1404 Not Found
1500 Internal Server Error
1501 Not Implemented
1502 Bad Gateway
1503 Service Unavailable
4000 Warning: This computer program is protected by copyright law and international treaties. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this program, or any portion of it, may result in severe criminal and civil penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under law.
20000 Change the options for DNS4Me.\nOptions
20001 Quit DNS4Me.\nExit
20002 Displays the overview help page for the on-line documentation.\nHelp Overview
20003 Purchase DNS4Me without even making a phone call.\nPurchase
20004 Displays pricing information for the DNS4Me service.\nPricing Info
20005 Registers DNS4Me with RhinoSoft.com.\nRegister
20006 Helps you locate your lost your registration ID.\nLost Registration ID
20007 Search the DNS4Me Knowledge Base for answers to frequently asked questions.\nKnowledge Base
20008 Contact RhinoSoft.com engineers with your support questions.\nTech Support
20009 View and edit information contained in your customer account profile.\nEdit Customer profile.
20010 Check for a DNS4Me software update.\nCheck for Update
20011 Display program information, version number and copyright.\nAbout
57667 List Help topics.\nHelp Topics (F1)
57668 Unable to connect to the DNS4Me Server.
57669 Purchase DNS4Me...
57670 &Shutdown DNS4Me
57671 SOCKS proxy was unable to contact the DNS4Me server.
57672 You are currently using version %s of the DNS4Me client software. The most recent version is %s.
57673 Invalid Registration ID. Please use a valid\nRegistration ID. To obtain either a trial or\npermanent ID contact RhinoSoft.com.
57674 WARNING: Closing DNS4Me terminates your\nconnection to the DNS4Me servers. When\nthis happens DNS4Me assumes your computer\nis offline and others on the Internet will not be\nable to access your domain.\n\nAre you sure you want to exit from DNS4Me?
57675 An invalid or expired Registration ID is present. Please update your Registration ID to use DNS4Me.
57676 DNS4Me is initializing...
57677 DNS4Me is shutting down...
57678 DNS4Me Client (%s) - %s
57679 The DNS4Me executable has been altered by a third-party \nutility. Your computer could be infected by a virus or trojan. \n\nTo protect your computer from any potential harm, DNS4Me \nwill now shut down.
57680 Registered
57681 Unlicensed
57682 Updating IP address with DNS4Me server...
57683 Your registration for the DNS4Me service has expired. The DNS4Me client will no longer function until you have purchased additional service.